Chemical Resistant Floor Coatings for Containment of Industrial Solvents and Acids
PERMACOAT 6500 is a 100% solids epoxy novolac containment and/or floor coating system. The PERMACOAT 6500 is specifically designed as a containment product for industrial solvents and acids.
PERMACOAT 6500 consists of two components, resin and hardener, in both the horizontal and vertical formulations. The application of the PERMACOAT 6500 is accomplished with rubber squeegees and short nap paint rollers.
The PERMACOAT 6500 system is designed as a 60- 250 mil secondary containment/floor system where exposure to harsh chemicals such as Nitric Acid, Glacial Acetic Acid, Ethylene Dichloride or NMethyl-2-Pyrrolidone are anticipated.
PERMACOAT 6500 can be installed over most sound substrates including old or new concrete and many types of repair mortars.
Typical Applications
- Sumps
- Trenches
- Chemical process floors
- Tank farm containment
- Chemical loading and unloading areas
- Drum storage areas
The PERMACOAT 6500 containment system allows for fast, easy applications with minimal down time. PERMACOAT 6500 is monolithic and non-porous, eliminating the most common avenues of flooring/containment failure (i.e. seams and porosity).
The resinous PERMACOAT 6500 system exhibits very high physical properties, approximately 3-4 times those of standard concrete.
Other Features Include:
- - Non-flammable
- - Low odor
- - Non-skid safety finish
Typical Properties
Solids, by Volume
Hardness (Shore D)
ASTM D2240
Flexural Strength
14,000 psi
Tensile Strength
10,000 psi
Bond Strength to Concrete
ASTM D4541
Exceeds Tensile Strength of concrete. Failure in Concrete.
Taber Abrasion
ASTM D4060
CS 17 Wheels
Loss/1000 cycles = 25mg
Compressive Strength
12,000 psi
Packaging and Coverage
The PERMACOAT 6500 resin and primer are packaged in one and three gallon units. Each unit consists of pre-measured components, Part A (Resin) and Part B (Hardener).
Application thickness may vary from 80-250 mils, depending on the expected service conditions. Factors to consider are 1) length of chemical exposure, 2) mechanical abuses and 3) substrate texture.
Cure Time
The cure time of PERMACoat 6500 and other resinous systems are very dependent upon the temperature of the substrate. The chart below represents the approximate times for the respective service conditions, following the last coat:
Service (hours)
Foot Traffic
Light Chemical
Fork Lift
Mixing And Application
For mixing and application information, please refer to the PERMACOAT 6500 Application Bulletin.
All mixing and application equipment should be cleaned immediately after use. If this is done, soap and water or biodegradable cleaners can be used. If the material has begun to set, more aggressive solvents will be necessary. Before using solvents, refer to their respective SDS for handling considerations.
Where Permacoat 6500 Should Not Be Installed
PERMACOAT 6500 should not be applied over substrates:
- subject to hydrostatic pressure
- which are unsound
- which are contaminated and cannot be cleaned
- at temperatures below 60 degrees F (Consult ChemProof Polymers)
Read Safety Data Sheets (“SDS”) before using. PERMACOAT 6500 contains blended Epoxies as the resin and blended Amines as the hardener. Protective clothing and gloves are recommended to prevent sensitization to these materials. In case of ingestion or eye contact, it is advisable to contact a physician immediately. SDS are available for this product upon request.
For product warranty see ChemProof Polymers, Inc. "Standard Limited Warranty". If one is not included with this literature, contact your local distributor or ChemProof Polymers, Inc. for a copy.
Contact Information
ChemProof Polymers, Inc.
Industrial Floor Coatings
2750 Charles Page Blvd.
Tulsa, OK 74127
Phone: 918-584-0364
Fax: 918-584-0366